WRA’s Unsung Hero Announced!

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WRA's Unsung Hero

The AusCongo Network began as a grassroots, bottom-up approach to poverty relief in Mbuji-Mayi, DRC’s third largest city, and has now transformed the lives of almost 1,500 people!

Using an assets-based community development model with weekly trainings in capacity building, eleven industry groups have formed to create opportunities for employment and income generation across sectors such as agriculture, livestock, women’s empowerment and small business.

At the forefront of this work is project manager, Jean Calvin Tshibuabua, an unassuming Congolese man who his fully devoted to his community. Due to significant and ongoing fundraising constraints, Jean Calvin works alone and has not received full wages in a very long time. In spite of the enormous challenges that he faces, he continues to organise and inspire those around him to leverage and multiply the assets they have in order to create better lives for themselves and their families.

Jean Calvin’s vision includes an on-going focus on business development and microfinance which aims to educate children in computer literacy and help community members build sustainable and profitable businesses. This year alone a chicken vaccination program has vastly reduced chicken mortality rates, thereby facilitating greater food security for the community.

Jean Calvin, you bring hope wherever you go and our world, more than ever, is desperately in need of people like you. We are so thankful for your dedication to relieving suffering in your corner of the world. We recognise and salute you as WRA’s Unsung Hero!