Villages of Life in association with World Relief Australia is an Australian Christian NGO founded to transform developing nations through primary school education.
Villages of Life is an organization dedicated to building schools and supporting local communities in countries around the world that need them the most. Through providing education, care, and a safe environment, we help children to grow into a generation of leaders who will build their country’s tomorrow.
From design to construction and the management of a sustainable project, through the local partners they engage the local workforce, creating work and generating income. Through our work, we do not just want to treat the symptoms of poverty, we want to heal the reasons for it with long-term solutions. Our legacy will be all those children whose lives we are changing brick by brick. And the generations that will follow.
Villages of Life’s current vision is to expand its reach and influence by building 20 new schools in developing countries by 2033 and leave a legacy for generations to come.
Key Investment Commitment
- Villages of Life will raise funds and deliver to an in-country organisation the capital required for a start-up school:
- 1 Administration block including 4 offices.
- 1 staffroom with male and staff female toilets.
- 6 classrooms, 1 library/computer room.
- 1 male and 1 female amenity blocks and a simple perimeter fence if required.
Construction is usually over a period of 12 months with a total cost of a start-up school being $300.000 +-
After the completion of Villages of Life capital commitment to the start-up school the in-country organisation via budgeted surplus from tuition fees will complete the additional 4-6 classrooms when needed.
Thank you for being champions of change and advocates for education. Your dedication makes all the difference.