Stephen’s Children works hard to build strong relationships with vulnerable children and their families in the garbage slums of Egypt. At their Community Education Centres, trained teachers nurture preschoolers in their formative years, enabling them to flourish with creativity and character. Activities focus on English and Arabic language skills, literacy, numeracy, computer skills, general knowledge, personal hygiene and responsibility.
Nutritious meals are provided each day and families are given access to medical clinics to ensure healthy growth. Regular meetings are also facilitated to update mothers of their child’s development, raise awareness of hygiene and nutrition, and allow opportunities for personal support and growth. Not only are children enabled a solid educational footing in preparation for primary school, but whole communities are equipped to move out of disempowerment through the commitment of compassionate staff.
Key Areas of Investment
- Teaching program
- Educational resources
- Nutrition and medical services
- Family support services
- Boarding facilities