Every night one in nine people around the world go to bed hungry. Three of these hungry people suffer some form of malnutrition. Approximately 3·1 million children will die each year as a result of hunger-related causes.
“Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time. Not only do the consequences of not enough – or the wrong – food cause suffering and poor health, they also slow progress in many other areas of development like education and employment. (UN WFP)”
Our vision is a world where everyone can access healthy, nutritious food.
Our mission is to implement solutions to address the root causes of hunger in vulnerable communities.
Feed a hungry person today, and they will hunger again tomorrow. Empower communities to grow their own nutritious food, and they will be secure and satisfied forever.
Breaking the Hunger Cycle seeks to identify the root causes of hunger and implement sustainable solutions in vulnerable communities.
Key Areas of Investment
- Urban gardens to provide nutritious food
- School gardens to provide food & education on healthy eating
- Diversified cropping systems to reduce the risk of crop failure
- Community-based seed banks
- Agroforestry combined with fuel-efficient stoves to reduce deforestation
Further information can be found at https://www.breakingthehungercycle.net