1802 VOL Educational Assistance Program

Providing futures filled with promise through education
VOL Educational Assistance Program

At Villages of Life, we remain steadfast in our mission to uplift the most vulnerable and pave the way for a brighter, more dignified future. Through a monthly donation of $35 you enable us to transform lives and communities, one educational initiative at a time. Together, we can empower individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty and embrace a future filled with promise. The Educational Assistance Program will provide essential resources such as classroom desks and chairs, administrative office furnishings, and school supplies to each newly established school. (see 1435 VOL New School Construction

VOL Educational Assistance Program

Though a $35 monthly commitment you will be nurturing the educational aspirations of students in all our future endeavours. Each desk, each chair, and every piece of administrative furniture is not just a material provision but a legacy of opportunity for generations to come.

  • Monthly payments of $35 for 24 occurrences
  • Quarterly payments of $105 for 8 occurrences

Thank you for being champions of change and advocates for education. Your dedication makes all the difference.

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Tax Deductibility Information

All donations of $2 and over to the World Relief Overseas Aid Fund are tax deductible. To qualify for tax deductibility, gifts must be unconditional. We endeavour to allocate your gift according to your wishes, or if not possible, to the nearest similar project. Non-designated gifts will be allocated to the area of most need. Administration costs are deducted prior to disbursement. All tax deductible donations will be recorded through the issue of an annual statement at the end of the financial year. Secure Payment Gateway: This site is secured by a 256 bit encryption certificate issued by RapidSSL CA. Payment information is sent encrypted to SecurePay Pty Ltd for processing by ANZ merchant services. WRA does not store credit card information on its website.